Statistics for Business and Investment Analysis with Excel

Quick calculations of any range up to 10,000 values for Average, Moving averages, Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Frequency, Trend, Variance, Sigma and Six Sigma.

Business Statistics.xls gives you all the tools and guidance necessary to calculate these frequently used statistical values for business data analysis, quality control, system control, stock and commodity prices & index forecasting, and other applications.

No need to use Excel functions or tools except for Goal Seek for Mean and Range.

In real business situations, such as quality control analysis, tracking order stats, analyzing stock or commodity prices, data arrays frequently require adjustments so that the figures are realistic.

With Business Statistics you can eliminate zeros from stats calculations if you wish and (or) set upper and lower boundaries as acceptance limits. For example when you want to analyze the average, range and frequencies of full time salaries you can choose to eliminate part time salaries below, say $20,000 p.a. from your salaries list.

Example for QA: A value added kiln drying business analyses moisture content of their dried lumber every hour. Some of the values are showing as zeros due to malfunction of the test equipment, and other results are clearly too low. To obtain real moisture content stats for valid test results the user drops all the values into the stats table, selects eliminate zero values and sets a lower limit of moisture content below which the stats will ignore. The table gives the user stats results for QA values which are within the valid range only.

The Moving average tables provide instant moving average values for historical data over any two periods.

Example for Moving Averages. If you are tracking the daily moving averages of closing Gold Prices over any period of X and Y days, enter the last Excel row number of the series you want to measure, and the moving average values are displayed. An advantage of calculating moving averages values with Business Statistics is you can back track and retrieve the moving average values from any time period in the series. This not only provides current moving averages but historical averages as well.
Chart historical moving averages as shown in the Gold price demo provided.

Apply Excel's Forecast function in the Add Trendline Chart dialog to create moving average forecasts.

With the Sigma table you can transfer any number of collected quality control figures (up to 10,000) into the Sigma table, eliminate zeros again of you wish and calculate sigma values, and the number of values that lie within 1 x sigma, 2 x sigma, 3 x sigma, 4.5 x sigma and 6 x sigma range. Six sigma is one of the top rated management tools for analyzing quality control data.

You can reformat the stat tables to accept percentages, currency values or just numbers.

You can look through the Excel formulas used within the stats tables to create your own stats tables if you wish, or use the tables provided. The templates come with easy to follow instructions for the beginner in statistic calculations.

System Requirements

Excel 2000 or  above and MS Windows XP/2000/2003 or later.


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Please see also:

Financial Excel Templates